In a dramatic turn of events on Emmerdale, Caleb Miligan has found himself embroiled in a secret that could change everything for Ruby. After a recent hospital visit with Ruby’s mother, Caleb began receiving numerous calls from an unlisted number. Without Ruby’s knowledge, he blocked the caller but ultimately decided to answer when the persistent calls became too much. After a tense exchange, he agreed to meet with the caller.
In the episode that aired on September 17, viewers were introduced to a new storyline delving deeper into Ruby’s backstory. Caleb arrived at the hospital, where it was revealed that the person he was meeting was none other than Ruby’s estranged mother, Helen. Helen was desperate to reconnect with Ruby, who remained blissfully unaware of her mother’s intentions.
Caleb confronted Helen, firmly reminding her that Ruby had no idea her mother was trying to re-enter her life. Helen insisted that Ruby had a right to know about her terminal illness and expressed regret for their estrangement. She even mentioned her divorce from Ruby’s father, hoping to justify her actions. However, Caleb was having none of it and firmly told Helen that she had previously attempted to pay him off to leave Ruby alone, and even tried to pressure Ruby into having an abortion during her pregnancy with Nikki.
Their confrontation escalated as Helen insisted that any communication should be with Ruby, not him, claiming there are always two sides to every story. Seizing the opportunity to take control of the situation, Caleb cleverly proposed a deal: he would bring Ruby to see Helen, but only in exchange for £50,000. “The price has gone up a bit since you tried to pay me off,” he quipped, referring to the past.
After a brief negotiation, Helen agreed to the terms, but Caleb immediately felt a sense of regret over making such a deal. Back at home, he chose not to mention anything about this agreement to Ruby, keeping her in the dark about her mother’s desperate attempts to reconnect.
This shocking development raises questions about Caleb’s motivations and the potential fallout from his actions. Will Ruby find out about the secret deal? How will she react to her mother’s intentions? As the tension builds, it seems that Caleb’s choices could lead to heartbreak for Ruby, especially when she learns the truth.
Stay tuned for more emotional twists in Emmerdale as this gripping storyline unfolds! If you enjoyed this update, please subscribe for all the latest news and spoilers.