Season 3 Bombshell: Trent’s Traumatic Backstory Explained and What It Means for the Show

Season 3 Bombshell: Trent’s Traumatic Backstory Explained and What It Means for the Show

Will Trent’s traumatic character backstory could have a major impact on season 3, teases star Ramón Rodríguez. The most recent episode of Will Trent season 2, “Why Is Jack’s Arm Bleeding?”, revealed that Will had repressed memories of his childhood trauma. In particular, he’d pushed back the memories of growing up in an abusive foster home, and trying (and failing) to intervene as his foster father killed his foster mother. It was a lot for the character to process, and while his uncle Antonio was there to help, it seems there’s still more to come.

This traumatic backstory could have a significant impact on Will Trent season 3, according to Rodríguez. In an interview with TVLine, the actor shared his reaction to Will’s devastating history and teased how this could be explored next season, which has already been renewed by ABC. Check out his comments below:

That was a really tough episode, watching that all come to a head for him, where he figures out what this childhood trauma was that he’d blocked out of his memory. When he realizes what happened, and how much he feels at fault for what happened, it’s gut wrenching.

How Will Trent's Traumatic Backstory Reveal Might Impact Season 3 Teased By  Star

To share that moment with [Uncle Antonio], someone who is family, but is also new, is all so vulnerable. He’s almost embarrassed by what he had to experience…. That’s something for Will that is a real, underlying issue: feeling blame and fault for a lot of things [that were out of his control].

He feels fault for what happened with Sleeveless Jack and Anna, and he feels fault for the death of his mother, even. These things really haunt him. They stay [with] him and he has not resolved them yet. He won’t resolve them this season. That might be something we explore next season.

How Will Trent Season 3 Can Continue Processing Will’s Backstory

Will Has Only Just Begun To Reckon With This Twist

Ramon Rodriguez as Will looking down at a photo in Will Trent season 2 episode 3

The reveal is an important one, as it has a major impact on the way Will views himself as a character after blaming himself for his stepmother’s death for 20 years. Having finally achieved some form of closure, it will be interesting to see how this might impact Will’s character, his mental state, and his ability to perform his job effectively. Furthermore, the stress and anxiety he will no doubt have felt may have dissipated somewhat, and this could affect his working life too.

Will Trent’s traumatic character backstory could have a major impact on season 3, teases star Ramón Rodríguez. The most recent episode of Will Trent season 2, “Why Is Jack’s Arm Bleeding?”, revealed that Will had repressed memories of his childhood trauma. In particular, he’d pushed back the memories of growing up in an abusive foster…